
Appraisal of GYLA in regard to women rights related situation
Construction of a hotel on the boulevard should be stopped immediately
GYLA and Green Alternative demand suspension of enforcement of an environmental decision on the cascade of Namakhvani HPPs
COVID - 19 and rights of people with disabilities
Challenges of Whistleblowing in Georgia – Legislation and Practice
Civic campaign “Return My Surname”
Coalition responds to the decision taken by the Court of Appeals
Newsletter #389: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
Public Defender’s Report on Monitoring Carried out at Tbilisi Mental Health Center
EMC: Significant state interests are compromised in favor of a private company under the agreement on Namakhvani HPP
GIP is launching a week-long social media campaign to celebrate the International Women’s Day
Georgia’s National Plan for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Lacks the Integrity Component
Food waste is one of the biggest contributors to climate change
An interactive map will help you find services you need
Restoring the right to choose
Court of Appeals deems discussion of corruption risks libellous in its decision
Support extended to population of Rioni Valley
“Batomi” and EMC contest a permit issued for construction of a hotel on the boulevard...
Media and Civil Society Manifesto
Should Georgia Apply for EU Membership in 2024?
Georgian authorities must reverse recent actions curtailing free assembly and expression
EMC: Court reinstated three social workers in their jobs