
Women, Peace and Security
Statement of Religious Associations of Public Defender’s Council of Religions and Tolerance Center
IDFI responds to spread of secret materials
Deprivation of the right to receive education in the Georgian language in Gali took the most severe forms...
Monitoring report on specialized facilities for children/persons with disabilities
IDFI: ‘Violation of the Right to Privacy - a Systemic Challenge for Georgia’
Monitoring Report on Specialized Institutions for Children/Persons with Disabilities
Evaluation of GYLA in regard to recent unlawful eavesdropping
Meeting with Head of OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission
GDI: “Government continues to use the State Security Service as a tool for total control”
Social Justice Center responds to alleged facts of unlawful work of the State Security Service
Georgian and Ukrainian Ombudsmen Visit Khurvaleti Village along Occupation Line
Strasbourg Court accepted one more complaint related to June 20-21, 2019 developments
Statement on Discrimination against Indian Students
Public Defender Still Terms Work of General Inspectorates as Ineffective
Public Defender Demands Criminal Prosecution
Public Defender’s Statement on Dismissal of Individuals due to Political Views
Public Defender’s Statement on Spread of Coronavirus in Penitentiary System
March without dignity
We address the Prosecutor’s Office on the fact of an alleged unlawful activity of the State Security Service
GYLA contests reduction of assistance to an aviation employee in the Constitutional Court
Organizers of the July 5-6 violence remain unpunished