
A danger: media may once again become a target of political retaliation
Statement of the NGOs on the audio recording broadcasted on TV Pirveli
Media and Civil Society Manifesto
Violence against Journalist Vakho Sanaia sets a dangerous precedent
Coalition addresses the Chairman of the Parliament
Access to information vs. protection of personal data – a decision of the European Court of Human Rights
What anecdotal evidences regarding vaccine are there in Georgia?
Coalition: Communications Commission violates the law by reviewing the content of the program
Online movie-discussion: The line between unbiased media coverage and the encouragement of radical right-wing narratives
Disinformation: “Up to 400 people died as a result of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination in Norway”
Building immunity to disinformation
Election media monitoring reports 2020
The training program "Youth for Change" for politically active youth from Gori
ADAMI Media Prize Awards 2020 to Showcase Cultural Diversity in Eastern Europe
The Coalition responds to the statement of Nika Gvaramia in regard to threat
Training for Trainers: Promoting Media Literacy and Critical Thinking
Communications Commission attempts to regulate broadcasters and goes beyond the authority stipulated by law
“Charter Prize 2020” – submission of applications has started
Do face masks protect us against coronavirus infection?
“Rights Georgia” calls on the Prosecutor's Office to launch an investigation referring to the article about unlawful interference in journalistic activities
GYLA demands facts of violence against media to be responded
Public Defender Responds to Obstruction of Journalists’ Professional Activities on October 31