
Humanitarian status will be granted to Somalian citizen
Newsletter #397: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
Visible or invisible: Climate change and work of rural women
Court has fined a construction company that builds Namokhvani HPPs for violation of terms
The Code of Administrative Offenses becomes even more repressive
Geneva International Discussions and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
Meliora awards ceremony will take place on May 19
GYLA negatively responds to changes to be made in the Code of Administrative Offenses
CENN, with the Support of the EU and in partnership with Society Biliki, launched an Innovative Knowledge Hub in Gori
The Significance of the Modernized Convention 108 for Georgia
GYLA has published a legal analysis of election disputes
Evaluation of an environmental decision-making process on the Namakhvani HPP cascade
Workshop: My First Job
35 years since the Chernobyl disaster - Dangers of a nuclear heritage of the Soviet Union for modern Georgia
Working meeting with the Supreme Council of Ajara
Decisions of the Government in regard to Namakhvani HPP are unsubstantiated, fragmented, and superficial
All you need to know about vaccination in the time of COVID-19
Court imposed an administrative liability on a person for sexual harassment
An investigative experiment has been conducted with the participation of Afghan Mukhtarli and “Rights Georgia”
What problems are in the agreement on Namakhvani
Online trainings on prevention of violent extremism and radicalisation
Civil Society STAR Initiative