
Newsletter #345: Grants, Fellowships, Contests
Open Society Georgia Foundation launches a large-scale project
Successful example of lobbying
April 14, 1978 developments in Tbilisi and excerpts from the Western press
EMC demands special social support for students
Women on frontline of fight against #COVID19
GYLA conducted a presentation of results of a research – “Standards of usage of preventive measures”
Electronic distribution system of cases in court
Charter of Ethics prepares a COVID-19 coverage guide for media
Covid-19: Disinformation can kill
A Year after the Discovery of the Mass Graves of the Victims of the Soviet Repressions
Analysis of the state of fulfillment of obligations assumed in the field of energy in 2014-2018 years
How to make it easier for adolescents to remain in isolation
COVID-19 response in the Eastern Partnership region: emergency measures and civic freedoms
An information campaign for prevention of COVID-19
Statement in regard to closure of trials and other shortcomings in common courts in the conditions of the state of emergency
The state continues to pursue a strict policy against domestic violence and violence against women
Importance of open data in the fight against pandemics: International examples and Georgia
Russian information operation in Georgia - Coordinated network of “Sputnik” on Facebook
EU announces €183 million to support Georgia on Covid-19
An open letter to the government and people of Georgia
Newsletter #344: Grants, Fellowships, Contests