
Newsletter #348: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
Rule of law and human rights during the COVID-19 crisis
Keti Tomeishvili has given her greenhouse to her four women employees for free
Network of coordinated fake media sites operating for political purposes
OGP campaign - Raising social confidence via introduction of principles of openness
Russian information operation on Facebook encouriging political polarization in Georgia
Chronicle of the three-month persecution of Adjara Public Broadcaster journalists
Coalition for Equality - regarding needs of those remained out of the anti-crisis plan
Economic dependence of Georgia on Russia: Trends and threats
EMC evaluates condition of workers on May 1
Statement of GYLA in regard to the International Workers’ Day
Women’s solidarity in times COVID-19
Activities of the Competition Agency in 2014-2019 years: Authorities and reviewed cases
Newsletter #347: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
EMC calls on the Government to protect vulnerable groups from hunger
COVID-19, environmental protection and future perspectives
Online presentation of the report - “Forms and prevention of torture and ill-treatment”
Cycle of webinars: Women and Covid-19
Russian propaganda and COVID-19 - Should Georgia expand trade relations with Russia or not?
International practice of proactive publication of information related to the new coronavirus pandemic
USAID/Georgia is helping the Government of Georgia prepare for a strong economic recovery
IDFI became a member of the international platform – the Sites of Conscience