
Lecture: The role of the United States in the process of Georgian state-building
Russian Information Warfare against the Lugar Laboratory
Consultations provided to the youth and the representatives of civil society and community organizations
Leveraging transparency to counter foreign illiberal influences
Threats against Samira Bairamova must be stopped in time
TDI condemns Alt-Info's threats against Samira Bayramova
The child rights center has been inaugurated in Shota Meskhia State Teaching University
Statement of the Media Advocacy Coalition
Newsletter #442: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
New alarming incidents of antisemitism in Georgia
Successful Cases of HRC (November 2021-February 2022)
Half of Public Officials in Georgia Submit Asset Declarations with violations of the law
Georgian Dream Statement Damages the Institution of the President
UN Women and the National Agency of Public Registry will actively cooperate
IDFI’s Legal Assessment: The President has not Violated the Constitution of Georgia
Kaori Ishikawa met with Tea Akvlediani
Taso Foundation held a working meeting in Khabume
Public Defender’s Representatives Hold Meetings with Italian National Preventive Mechanism
NGOs call on the Georgian government to dispense palpable assistance to the Ukrainian refugees
Meeting with the public servants who’re responsible for relations with CSO’s
Internal mechanisms on the prevention and response to sexual harassment adopted
UNCAC Coalition Stands in Solidarity with Ukraine