
Learning Program about violent extremism and radicalisation
The round table discussion was held about the development of employment support services in Telavi
EU and WHO hand over equipment to help medical facilities fight COVID-19
Consultations for the representatives of civil Society and community organizations
The former patient won a lawsuit against Gori military Hospital with the assistance of GYLA
Public Defender Establishes Sexual Harassment in Labour Relations
Georgia Fair Labor Platform publishes the announcement
Three organizations will jointly protect the interests of dismissed persons
State of the Human Rights in Georgia, 2021
Fight Against COVID-19: Russia’s Assistance to Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region
Deputy Public Defender Meets with Ambassador of Finland and Finnish Delegation
Routine immunization and high levels of lead in the blood of children
Public Defender Meets with Secretary General of Council of Europe
IDFI: Georgia and Corruption - Georgia Failed to Present Anything at the Conference of UNCAC States Parties
TikTok - Emerging Propaganda Ecosystem
Public Defender Meets with CPT’s Executive Secretary
Discussion held on Regional security challenges
Newsletter #435: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
Attitudes and Perceptions: Towards Russia in Georgia/Towards Georgia in Russia
Ambrolauri and Lanchkhuti Municipalities Adopted Building Integrity and Transparency Strategies and Action Plans
Situation Analysis of the Rights of People with Disabilities in Georgia