
New website -
Training for Georgian lawyers
Working version of a Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Primary position
Rights-based social service
Freedom of Expression
Promoting the Development of an Inclusive Society by Empowering Women
Meeting with teachers and schoolchildren
Human Rights Forum - Space for Discussing Inequality in Georgian Society
Project: “Empowerment of young civic leaders in Georgia” begins
Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group launches a new project
Social Justice Center appraises the human rights-related situation in 2021
Opening of the Winter School on the Rule of Law and Human Rights
Human Rights in Georgia 2021
Business Connections, Incompatible Activities, and Undeclared Companies of Parliament Members
Human Rights Day: Appraisal of GYLA
Unlawful interference into professional activity of journalist, selective justice
MAC Georgia’s 2021 Regional School Theater Festival has started
The training programme for Georgia's future civil service leaders
Supported Employment and Well-being Program for Persons with Disabilities
International Anti-Corruption Day: IDFI’s Anti-Corruption Activities and Existing Challenges
Sexual harassment in public spaces
Georgia’s Anti-Corruption Indexes in 2021