''In the Aftermath of the June 13 Tragedy: What should be Done''

Tbilisi. Transparency International – Georgia has released a blog: "In the aftermath of the June 13 tragedy: what should be done". The organization believes that after tragic events it is crucial to examine, on one hand, issues related to handling the crisis, and on the other hand, future actions. "Obviously, concrete in-depth recommendations cannot be developed without a detailed analysis of actions of state structures. Yet, we find it expedient to highlight several systemic recommendations in view of international practices", the web page states.
For the full text...
Source: transparency.ge


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (August 2024-Octomber 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (August 2024-Octomber 2024)