Discussion at Gori Center for Civic Engagement

Shida kartli. On July 14, the Gori Center for Civic Engagement organized a meeting to discuss the placement of "border markers” on July 10 by Russian occupational forces near the villages of Tsitelubani in the Gori district and Orchosani in the Akhalgori district. The issues discussed included the usage of lands along the occupation line and alternative transit routes for the BP pipeline. During the meeting, the Head of Gori municipality, Davit Oniashvili, declared that the action taken by Russian occupational forces has resulted in an additional 57 hectares of land, including arable lands of more than 100 households, to fall within occupied territory. Local residents spoke bitterly about the problems they faced in recent days.
Deputy State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality, Ketevan Tsikhelashvili said: ''The state will direct all its efforts towards ensuring that the local population is not restricted from accessing their land and will be able to use it. Our objective is to not rise to the bait and to achieve the dismantling of barricades. All the existing formats and mechanisms will be applied to this end. We will continue to assist people living along the occupation line to alleviate their humanitarian and social conditions, and, at the same time, we will take effective steps towards conflict settlement.''
For the full information...
Source: Social network


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