As a result of a legal assistance of GYLA an internally displaced family will receive housing

As a result of a legal assistance of GYLA an internally displaced family will receive housing

Tbilisi. The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) defended an internally displaced family, which was refused to get an alternative accommodation by the LEPL - Agency of IDPs, eco-migrants and livelihood provision.

“As a basis for its refusal, the agency pointed to the fact that the family lived in an apartment owned by a close relative and did not need housing. GYLA argued at court hearings that the refusal of the agency was based on a misinterpretation of legislation and that living in an apartment owned by a close relative did not deprive the internally displaced family of the right to be provided with an alternative accommodation. The courts of all three instances shared the position of GYLA and the court dispute ended in favor of the internally displaced family. As a result, the internally displaced woman and her minor children will receive housing”.

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