Misleading information on statistics of vaccination is spread in the UK

Misleading information on statistics of vaccination is spread in the UK

Tbilisi. According to information released by Myth Detector, Beka Vardosanidze, a blogger supporting Alt-Info, posted on Facebook, where he referred to a document published on a social network Telegram and wrote that among people infected with COVID-19 in the UK, the death rate of those vaccinated is higher than that of non-vaccinated ones.

"The post of Beka Vardosanidze is misleading and does not provide the full picture of coronavirus infection and vaccination statistics in the UK. In reality, more than a half of those infected with COVID-19 during the last six months were unvaccinated, while the death toll of vaccinated people exceeded the mortality rate of those unvaccinated only within the 50+ age category, where the risk of death is higher due to characteristics of the virus”.

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Source: mythdetector.ge


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