The Ambassador of the EU in Georgia, in coordination with EU Heads of Mission, issues the following comments after the second round of the 2021 local elections in Georgia

The Ambassador of the EU in Georgia, in coordination with EU Heads of Mission, issues the following comments after the second round of the 2021 local elections in Georgia

Tbilisi. The European Union commends once more the voters, the electoral staff and local observers for all their efforts and engagement amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

„We warmly welcome the International Election Observation Mission carried out by the OSCE ODIHR and the European Parliament also for this second round.

While this mission again concluded that the elections were generally well administered and that the campaign was competitive, it also observed an escalation of negative rhetoric, persistent allegations of intimidation and pressure on voters and sharp imbalances in resources, which benefited the ruling party and tilted the playing field.

Following the first round, we stated that the reported malpractices must not become a norm in Georgia. We deplore that these elections have been a missed opportunity in this respect. Despite a clear assessment by the international observers, meaningful steps were not taken to address key shortcomings. On the contrary, further shortcomings have emerged, especially in terms of misuse of administrative resources and violent rhetoric by Georgia’s political leaders, further fuelling an already deep political polarisation. Suggestions made before these elections that the central government would not cooperate with local councils, should they swing towards another majority, are of concern as they seek to restrict the electorate’s choice and to limit pluralism”.

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