‘’Safe Driving’’

Tbilisi. Beginning 17 July 2013 the first road safety radio and TV program "Usaprtxo Modzraoba" ("Safe Driving”) will be broadcast on "FM Abkhazia," and later will be seen on TV. The program will be dedicated to the challenges and development of road safety in Georgia. "Usaprtxo Modzraoba" will be prepared by the foundation "Partnership for Road Safety" and radio "FM Abkhazia" teams. Professionals in the field from Georgia and elsewhere will be involved.
The topics of the program will be chosen in response to news and current problems regarding road safety. Statistical data, analysis and other relevant information will be introduced; and major road safety risk factors, road safety education, first aid, safe infrastructure, safe cars, pedestrian safety, speeding, drunk driving and other road safety issues will be discussed. The program will have guests, live phone calls, and questions and ideas from citizens, who can send them to Facebook for review.
The main goal of "Usaprtxo Modzraoba" is to increase road safety awareness and education about major road safety risk factors and how to correct them, for the benefit both of Georgian citizens and decision makers. "Usaprtxo Modzraoba" will be on live FM Abkhazia 98.9 on Wednesday twice during the month. Details concerning the TV version will be announced when available. Our goal is to make Georgian roads safe for all!
Source: cenn


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