Staff meeting

Tbilisi. On the 30th of August the staff meeting of the NEO-USAID project "Developing and Maintaining of IDP Homeowners/Tenants Associations” was held in the CHCA Tbilisi office. During the meeting the participants discussed the past stages of the project and the achieved deliverables. The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the NEO supported online database, which generates the uploaded data in relevant system and provides the relevant online reports. This part of the meeting was also attended by the employees of another NEO-USAID funded project "Income Generation and Business Support Initiative”. Due to the transition to the next stage of the project "Developing and Maintaining of IDP Homeowners/Tenants Associations” the staff designed the schedule of business training series for the project beneficiaries and the monitoring plan for the HOAs established within the project. During the meeting the project staff also discussed the new initiative - design of the HOA common fund registry book, which will serve as a tool for the expense control and development of the culture of monetary contribution to the common fund.
Source:the organization's page in the social network


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