“Direction => EU”

Tbilisi. On 24 November participants of „Direction => EU", an event held in support of Georgia's integration to the European Union, gathered at the Deda Ena Garden.„Direction => EU" sent as a message both to the Georgian government and the EU institutions that the Georgian citizens opt for European integration.
Representatives of international foundations working on European issues in Georgia also took part in the event. The Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF) unveiled EU related publications: „The Eastern Partnership", „The Path to the European Union" and „The Path to Open Europe".
Campaign participants, holding Ukrainian flags also, supported current protest rallies in Kiev.T
he event was organized by European Alumni Association and the European Youth Parliament - Georgia. 
„Direction => EU" was held on the eve of the Vilnius summit scheduled for 28-29 November.  During the summit Georgia plans to initial the Association Agreement with the EU.


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