Public Lecture on the Developments in Ukraine

Imereti. The student union "Information Power” has organized a public lecture in the NikoNikoladze School-Lyceum. The lecture’s key topic focused on the developments in Ukraine. As one of the speakers, NodarChumburidze stated, the students’ involvement in similar issues is rather timely and significant: "Any individual has to have his position, and the expression of this position must be based on loyalty to principles such as democracy, protection of human rights and the rights of a sovereign state.”Discussion over the "Future of Ukraine” has followed the public lecture. The Head of the student union PapunaChikovani stated that the initiators and participants of the public lecture try to assist the schoolchildren in forming the right attitude towards the developments in Ukraine: "We discuss potential developments in Ukraine, how is this related to Georgia and what kind of way out could be found in such situation.”


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)

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