Joint Statement of the GYLA and the Unity of Judges of Georgia

Tbilisi. Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and the Unity of Judges of Georgia released a statement. Organizations "comment on the meeting held on March 18, 2014, in the High Council of Justice of Georgia and express their disapproval of the HCoJ members completely ignoring the information about alleged pressure against judges in 2005-2006. ...We believe that the High Council of Justice should do as much as it can in each individual case to protect judges, restore their rights that have been violated and implement necessary reforms in the judicial system", says the statement.
For the full text


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)