Statement of “Identoba”

Tbilisi. CSO "Identoba" has released a statement. "On May 17 "Identoba" does not intend to organize a public or closed event. Nevertheless, groups having suspicious links with Russia still plan to aggravate the situation artificially. By demonizing LGBT persons and artificially linking their fundamental human rights with the EU, pro-Russian groups try to undermine the Association Agreement with the EU. They would like to repeat on May 17 what had happened in Ukraine years ago: protest rallies against NATO, which gave the country's pro-Russian authorities an excuse for rejecting proximity with NATO and the EU," the organization's web page states.
For the full text.


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)