Call for Development of Exit Strategy for PROCEED Project

The Promoting Citizen Engagement for Economic Development Project (PROCEED) is a four-year initiative built on the LEADER approach and aiming to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the Dedoplistskaro municipality of Kakheti region. The project`s overall objective of poverty reduction will be attained through enhanced community members` employment and income opportunities, plus improved access to social, environmental and economic services as elements of dignified life. 

The project goal will be achieved through the attainment of the following outputs:

  • A representative system of cooperation among local stakeholders (Local Action Group/LAG) to promote local development is effective and sustainable; 
  • A Local Development Strategy for Dedoplistskaro municipality is developed by the LAG and supported at municipal level;
  • A mechanism to contribute to sustainability of the LAG, supported through the appropriate structures after the project ends, is designed together with relevant stakeholders and authorities;
  • Farms and businesses receiving technical assistance and grant support from the project improve their output;
  • Social and economic services are improved in the municipality.

The project is implemented by HEKS EPER, in partnership with Elkana, the Biofarming Association of Georgia. HEKS EPER is responsible for the overall management of the project, development of the Local Action Group and promotion of LEADER approach among target groups and beneficiaries. Elkana provides diverse technical support to the granting process and project grantees. 

The main objective of the expert service will be to design an Exit Strategy for PROCEED project that should increase the sustainability of project impacts after its end. The strategy shall have a form of a plan describing how the project will be investing its remaining resources to ensure that achievement of the committed project results isn`t compromised and that a progress towards these results will continue after the end of PROCEED.
