Want to Help Tackle Disinformation? Train Your Community to Stop the Spread of False Information

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) will equip professionals who are passionate about tackling disinformation to hold workshops and events for their communities, helping more people spot and push back against harmful, false information that can undermine democracy, endanger people’s wellbeing and more.

ICFJ is now accepting applications for this "training of trainers” opportunity from individuals in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It is part of Disarming Disinformation, a three-year global project run by ICFJ with lead funding from the Scripps Howard Fund.

"Our goal is to equip journalists and community leaders across the world with the knowledge and skills to empower their local communities,” ICFJ Senior Program Director Paul Rothman said. "Effectively combating disinformation and fostering healthy, fact-based information ecosystems requires community-level awareness and action.”

Applicants will be invited to attend a four-hour online course (in English) led by The Poynter Institute’s MediaWise. After the online course, five applicants will be selected from each region to attend an in-person training, before each receives a $2,000 grant to implement their own community events and workshops. While this opportunity is not limited to journalists, applicants should have previous experience with disinformation issues and the credibility needed to build trust with their future trainees.

Applications will close Aug. 4 and the online course will take place three days after, on Aug. 7 from 12-4 pm GMT. The immersive online course will be open to all participants and will cover a wide range of essential topics such as news literacy, media and information literacy, the seven types of mis- and disinformation, and fact-checking tools such as geolocation.

Source: mdfgeorgia.ge