The Mentoring Program for CSO’s

The project CLEEN (Civil society Local Energy Efficiency Network) is a 3-year-project funded by the European Union as "European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument”. CLEEN is led by Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) with its partners and co-applicants Ecoclub (Ukraine), Gutta-Club (Moldova) and SDC Akhaltsikhe (Georgia).
The global objective of this Project is to support active and inclusive civil society organisations which contribute to the social and economic development of partner countries
The specific objective is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations from the partner countries (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) allowing them to improve their engagement in policy-making processes and policy dialogue, their role as watchdog and monitoring players, and their representativeness and links with their constituencies through Mentoring Program (2015) and Sub-granting (2016, 2017).
Interested to apply for the Mentoring Program?
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source: SDC Akhaltsikhe