Youth Peace Camp 2017 in Strasbourg, France

The Youth Peace Camps were initiated by the Council of Europe in 2003, in cooperation with Europa Park in Rust, Germany, to bring together young people from conflict regions and to support them in initiating dialogue and cooperation.
In the past years the peace camp project brought together young people from the Middle East, Southeast and Eastern Europe. During the camp the participants followed an experiential learning process and acquired competences in the fields of intercultural learning, dialogue and conflict transformation, within a human rights framework. Since 2010, the Youth Peace Camp is held at the European Youth Centres in Budapest and Strasbourg. In 2017 the camp will take place in Strasbourg and is part of the programme of the Cyprus Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The camp is nowadways one of the main activities of the programme Youth for Democracy promoting peaceful and inclusive societies.