Terms of Reference - Junior Expert

  • Contests
  • Announcer: Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC)
  • Date of Announcement: 30.11.-0001
  • Deadline: 31.07.2017
Terms of Reference - Junior Expert
For conducting needs assessment
About the Project
The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in cooperation with the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) and Association Atinati is implementing a new EU project  Strengthening Civil Society’s Role in DCFTA and SME Policy Implementation.  
The project aims at increasing the participation of civil society organizations in the policymaking processes, improving their awareness on the issues related to the implementation of the free trade agreement between Georgia and the EU (DCFTA), engaging them in researching needs of small and medium enterprises and involving them in policy dialogue forums.
The project envisages identification and engagement of 30 CSOs from 5 target regions of Georgia (Kvemo Kartli, Shida Kartli, Kakheti, Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, Imereti).
Aim of the Activity
5 networking meetings in relevant target regions (one per region) will be organized in order to conduct preliminary needs assessment of the CSOs; At least 150 representatives from local CSOs from five target regions (at least 5 representatives from each CSO) will be engaged into networking activities in order to study and identify means for intervention. The CSOs will be chosen via an open call for application to ensure selection of qualified candidates on equal opportunity basis.
During the Networking meetings CSOs will discuss their strengths and weaknesses in monitoring tools and level of information on the DCFTA/SME policy issues. Needs and constraints will be identified and assessed, and CSOs will develop recommendations. The action will enlist support from CSOs in organizing the regular forums, thus creating a sense of ownership and commitment from the beginning. 3 most committed and active representatives per each organization will be further involved in next stage of the project activities as project multipliers. In overall 90 representatives of 30 local civil society organizations will be engaged.
Each networking event will focus on (1) introduction of the action, (2) capacities, strengths and weaknesses of CSOs regarding policy monitoring and advocacy, (3) oversight challenges faced by state law and policy, (4) upcoming activities of the action
The round table meetings will thus contribute to establishing a sustainable network and platform for informal dialogue and exchange between CSOs at the level while simultaneously engaging CSOs into the action. In addition the project team will be able to identify constraints and weaknesses of CSOs which then will be addressed in upcoming activities.
Tasks of the assignment
Junior Experts should deliver the following outputs:
1.    Networking Meeting planning, assistance in preparation of the presentation materials, contents and agenda;
2.    Participation in 5 networking meetings in 5 target regions;
3.    Preparing minutes of the 5 networking meetings;
4.    Assistance to the senior expert in preparation of 3-5 page document for each region that identifies – (1) level of awareness and information of the regional CSOs on the issues of DCFTA/SME; (2) Engagement of regional CSOs in DCFTA/SME policy monitoring and advocacy; (3) Strengths and Weaknesses of regional CSOs in policy monitoring and advocacy; (4) Identification and assessment of monitoring and advocacy mechanisms used by regional CSO representatives; (5) Recommendations for improvement and ways forward.
The task shall be carried out  during the period of August 1st – October 1st, 2017. Maximum number of working days for the assignment is 10.
Requirements of the expert(s)
•    Experience in planning and organizing meetings, preparing meeting minutes;
•    Experience in working on data collection and data analysis;  
•    Experience in working on the issues of civil society development, monitoring and advocacy, DCFTA and SME related topics;
•    Fluency in English and Georgian
•    Expert/experts shall work closely with consortium partners and the project team.
For application and additional information on the assignment please contact:
Irina Guruli, Project Manager
Deadline for submission is July 31st, 2017. 
source: Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC)