Call for applications - Academy Robert Bosch Fellowships (Russia and Eurasia) at Chatham House

Chatham House is pleased to invite applicants for the Academy Robert Bosch Fellowship (Russia and Eurasia) in the Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs.
The Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs was formally launched by the patron of Chatham House, Her Majesty The Queen, on 18 November 2014. It offers potential leaders from around the world the opportunity to get involved and contribute to the work which Chatham House does. Academy fellows are drawn from government and the broader policy community, the private sector, media and civil society. During their time at the Academy, fellows deepen their understanding of critical issues, learn new skills, develop their networks, and propose new ideas and solutions to complex policy challenges and opportunities. The Academy welcomes approximately 10-15 fellows per year from across the world.