Exchange Study Visit to the U.S.

  • Study
  • Announcer: East-West Management Institute
  • Date of Announcement: 11.04.2018
  • Deadline: 25.04.2018
  • Link:
The United States Agency for International Development, through the East-West Management Institute-implemented Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity (PROLoG), is pleased to be expanding its activities to further strengthen the professional capacity of individual civil and administrative judges in Georgia to work effectively and efficiently, and to provide additional opportunities to acquire skills in such areas as leadership, change management, court management, judicial ethics and judicial discipline. This further capacity development will be achieved by supporting activities that will enable Georgian judges to have more direct interactions with U.S. judges, administrators, and judicial educators. As part of these activities, PROLoG will design a number of activities to bring Georgian civil and administrative judges to the United States.
This application is for a July 2018 study trip to Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, California. The study trip is limited to second instance civil and administrative judges. The trip is tentatively scheduled for July 14-28, 2018. No knowledge of English is required, translation will be provided. The trip is expected to focus on judicial discipline, as well as how U.S. judges deal with cases, including: caseload and case assignment, case management, time management, communication skills, and judicial ethics.