European School Summer Camp 2018

European School Summer Camp 2018 in Georgia will be the preparatory phase for potential students of the Eastern Partnership European School and for other interested young representatives in EaP and EU countries. The establishment of the Eastern Partnership European School is part of the broader regional effort to address the needs of youth, focusing, however, on secondary education. It is a flagship project of the Commission in the Eastern Neighborhood and one of the "Eastern Partnership - 20 Deliverables for 2020".
The main objective of "European School Summer Camp 2018 in Georgia” is supporting and preparing peer educators with common European civil values and to foster co-operation, multi-cultural understanding and tolerance among young people in the Eastern Partnership region.
European School Summer Camp 2018 in will start on August 9th and end on of August 29th 2018, and will gather around 100 participants aged 14-18 from the Eastern Partnership region and EU member states. The ratio of participants from EaP countries and EU countries will be about  80/20.