CALL: Project Description “Traces Of Togetherness” - Stories of common roots of each others culture in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia

The project ToT brings together citizens of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia to find and publish stories of common roots of each others culture. 
One goal of the project is to enable people who are interested in storytelling to improve their media skills as citizens journalists with the help of professional trainers. These "citizen journalists" will be trained in journalistic photography, videography, writing and multimedia/social media. The stories will be published online and as a brochure. 
The second goal is to provide people from the participating countries - which partly face difficult political situations - the posibility to share, on a non-political basis their opinions and get to know each other better. 
Five people from each of the countries will meet each other for ten days, End of August 2018 in the Russian city of Uljanovsk to present there stories of traces of Russian culture from their home countries and to research and present stories from traces of Caucasian life in Uljanowsk. Project language will be English (and Russian).
Each country – group from the Caucasus will be joined by a mentor who chooses the participating "citizen journalists"  and coordinates the activities of the group in their home countries as well as during the workshop periode in Russia. After the workshop he/she promotes and partialy coordinates the following online story competition in their home countries. 
It is also important to know, that the project funding is not 100% certain until now.
I hope to get definite commitments until mid of June.... 
Three "citizen journalists" and one mentor of each of the following countries:
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Russia will meet in August in Uljanowsk/ RU to develope and/or improve their journalistic/media skills in text, photography, videography, multimedia storytelling and social media. We look for participants who are interested in journalism/storytelling and are NOT professional journalists. If they have experiences in some of the journalistic technics that would be fine. They also should speak - in best case – both English and Russian or at least one of those languages. 