Call for Ideas

  • Contests
  • Announcer: Save the Children
  • Date of Announcement: 26.09.2018
  • Deadline: 15.10.2018
  • Link:
In frames of EU4YOUTH: Better Skills for Better Future project
Call Overview:
On February 1st, 2018 Save the Children International launched EU4YOUTH: Better Skills for Better Future Project, which is implemented in 3 countries of Eastern Partnership - Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine. This two-year programme is funded by the European Union`s EU4YOUTH Programme and implemented in partnership with Child and Youth Development Fund (CYDF).
The project intends to continue the efforts of Save the Children in supporting equal rights for disadvantaged children and young people and is aimed at developing entrepreneurial potential of young men and women (especially those with fewer opportunities, disadvantaged groups, IDPs, youth with disabilities and NEET youth) by providing access to non-formal education opportunities and increasing their employability.
In the framework of this project a youth engagement platform for sharing good practices and innovation in non-formal education for employability and entrepreneurship development will be created and launched.
Save the Children in Georgia is announcing a Call for Ideas from individuals or organizations for creating a nationwide youth engagement platform. The objective is to provide youth in the whole country with access to existing resources and enable sharing of good practices, space to organize events, mobilize, raise awareness on critical issues, organizing advocacy campaigns and develop partnerships.