Meeting of NGOs and Public Defender

Imereti. On January 22, Public Defender UchaNanuashvili has met with NGO representatives in the Kutaisi Branch of the Public Defender's Office. At the meeting Public Defender spoke about the necessity of cooperation between the Ombudsman's Office and the human rights NGOs operating in the Imereti Region, as well as on the plans and prospects of enhancing the activities of regional offices.Invited guests expressed big desire to cooperate and gave the Public Defender their own proposals and recommendations. Special attention was paid to issues such as the existing conditions in the penitentiary system, need to set up the monitoring council, rights of IDPs, children and persons with disabilities, developments in self-government, freedom of media and other problems characteristic to the region.Public Defender spoke about the importance of civil society in the process of country's democratic development. He showed eagerness to actively cooperate with the civil sector, meet with them periodically and take into account their advice and opinions.


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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

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