The Report: Public Attitude Towards CSOs

Tbilisi. The Consultations and Training Center has released "Public Attitude towards the Civil Society Organizations – Report of the Discussion Process".Materials used for drafting the document are based on the opinions expressed throughout the cycle of discussions organized by the Consultations and Training Center since March 2012, which was held with participation of CSOs. During this period, four thematic discussions were organized.Following each discussion, the working groups set up from the participant CSOs have worked on the analysis of problems and recommendations. At the end of the project, based on the thematic materials developed by the working groups, the integrated analytical and recommendatory document was drafted.Presented document is of analytical and recommendatory nature. The first part of the document overviews the political context and the dynamics of its development, in which the civil society of Georgia has to exist. In addition, those problems are exposed that prevent full involvement and participation of the civil society in the political life. To overcome these problems, the summary part of the document provides significant recommendations, initiatives and innovative opinions expressed at the meetings.With the support of the "Policy, Advocacy and Civil Society Development in Georgia" (G-PAC) program of the East-West Management Institute (EWMI), the Consultations and Training Center has implemented the project "Dialogue for the Development of Civil Sector". The project aimed to promote public discussions on CSOs, their strengths and weaknesses, and to identify ways of solving the existing problems in the sector.
"Public Attitude towards the Civil Society Organizations – Report of the Discussion Process".


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Standards of Accountability & Transparency