Forum on Monitoring of State Activities

On 21st of December, the forum on Monitoring of State Activities will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel.
The main goal of the forum is to demonstrate the accumulated knowledge and experience in Georgian Civil Society in various fields of monitoring of the state activities, to offer a space for dialogue, discussion and sharing of experience to the participants, which will enhance their capacities in this direction and will increase interest towards recent trends and tendencies, as well as new and innovative approaches and methods in this field.
The forum will also present the Monitoring Methodology Guideline on the State Grants for CSOs, which was developed within the framework of the project "Civil Society Sustainability Initiative” implemented by the consortium led by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and financed by the European Union and the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation.  The guideline describes the mechanisms, spheres, and the pile of monitoring methods of the state funding (grant) for Civil Society Organizations. The aim of the guideline is to provide theoretical directions, necessary methodological guidelines and practical examples to the state grants’ monitors for better implementation of their activities.
The forum is organized by Civil Society Institute with financial support from the European Union in the framework of the project "Shaping Regional CSOs into Champions of Policy Dialogue and Public Sector Monitoring”. The project aims to support effective participation and governance through increasing CSOs’ capacities in public policy dialogue and monitoring, so that CSOs and their networks are effectively contributing to policy formulation, successfully lobby for local development needs and concerns of their constituency, are effectively implementing Government monitoring, have the ability to uphold public authorities accountable for their actions, call for government transparency and facilitate civic engagement. 


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency