Public Defender’s Statement on World Autism Awareness Day

Tbilisi. April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. The world supports the rights of people with autism and speaks out against discrimination.
''Proper protection of the rights of people with autism is still problematic in Georgia. The lack of health care for children with autism, lack of necessary programs and services for them, limited number of habilitation/rehabilitation services, territorial inaccessibility, poor quality of services provided, lack of staff and low level of their qualifications are still challenges in the country.
The Public Defender once more urges the state to promote realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons with autism and duly support them so that they can fully participate in the community on an equal footing with others'', is noted in the statement.
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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

 Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)