IDFI: Suspicious procurement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tbilisi. The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) carried out a study on utilization of the reserve fund. According to the document, the risk of non-transparent procurements and inefficient disposal of funds was one of the major problems among those revealed. Special attention of IDFI was drawn by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"Within the framework of the study, we monitored all state agencies that received finances from the government reserve fund to incur non-force majeure expenses. Our attention was drawn by one of the procurements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” - reads information released by IDFI, - "The procurement of adaptation-change and project work related to the building, located on #3, Leonidze str., and carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contains risks that make mentioned procurement suspicious. More specifically: no electronic tender has been announced for the work to be purchased; no signed agreement has been uploaded in the state procurement database; the agreement is concluded with a company, which has been founded 1 day prior to signing the agreement; there is familial relationship between the owner of the company and the deputy minister of the procuring agency; within a year since signing the agreement the company has not participated in any other state procurement”.
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Source:The website of the organization


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