Pre-Election Report of the NDI Delegation

Tbilisi. The National-Democratic Institute (NDI) held a press-conference on June 29, at which the delegation on a pre-election visit presented its results. Within the scope of the visit delegation members met with the leaders of the ruling team and opposition parties, Chairman of the Central Election Commission, representatives of the executive and legislative authorities, civil society organizations, media representatives, etc. The visit aimed to evaluate the preparation process for the parliamentary elections and examine factors that may have impact on the election process.
The report praises the work of the Central Election Commission, introduction of the Must Carry principles, as well as the fact that the large-scale rallies organized by the opposition parties were not marred with incidents. Yet, the delegation is concerned about absence of a dialogue between the political leaders, incidental use of language of hatred, etc.
The report is accompanied with recommendations addressing the parliament and the government, political parties, Central Election Commission, media, and the civil society organizations. The group of NDI observers recommends the Parliament of Georgia to consider the possibility of extending the term of the Must Carry principles. The delegation visited Georgia from 25 to 29 June, 2012.


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