Authorities threaten civil activists with criminal prosecution

Authorities threaten civil activists with criminal prosecution

Kvemo Kartli. Civil society organizations respond to developments that took place on March 21 in Marneuli, where activists of the “Movement for Georgia”, along with local population, demonstratively violated the curfew at 21:00. 

“We have repeatedly stated that the Government tries to restrict freedom of expression unconstitutionally, justifying it with protection of public health. This time it is especially alarming that we are dealing with the threat of restriction of physical freedom of citizens and their criminal liability. It is noteworthy that the activists decided to hold the rally after the authorities did not heed a request of ethnic Azerbaijani citizens and did not lift the restriction of movement for the overnight of Nowruz Bayram.

We consider that this decision is inconsistent and, moreover, discriminatory against ethnic minorities. The Government could make an exception in this case, especially on the background of intended easing of regulations for a football match on March 28, 2021, in fact, restrictions, for instance, were also lifted on the night of January 1”, - is noted in the joint statement.

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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)