Civil society organizations respond to developments that take place in the Rioni Valley

Civil society organizations respond to developments that take place in the Rioni Valley

Tbilisi. Social Justice Center (formerly EMC), GYLA, and Green Alternative release a statement in regard to developments that took place on April 11 in the Rioni Valley.

“The right to freedom of assembly and expression of participants of the rally against Namakhvani HPP has been restricted roughly and unjustifiably”, - is stated by the organizations, - “Besides, we consider that police actions, taken by the Government in recent days, have taken particularly severe and degrading forms, which should be stopped immediately and unconditionally, and actions of the Government should be brought back to the framework of protection of human rights”.

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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)

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