Business Connections, Incompatible Activities, and Undeclared Companies of Parliament Members

Business Connections, Incompatible Activities, and Undeclared Companies of Parliament Members

Tbilisi. A new report by Transparency International Georgia indicates that undeclared business assets of Parliament members and incompatible activities with their status is a problematic issue in the Parliament of Georgia of the 10Th Convocation. 

'We do not have the capacity to establish whether the undeclared companies are actually engaged in entrepreneurial activities and The Civil Service Bureau should be interested in this issue. As for the conflict of interests, this needs to be examined by the Parliamentary Committee of Procedural Issues and Rules', - is mentioned in the document.

The information about MPs’ asset declarations and their shares in companies is given in the report as 16 September 2021.

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Source: The webpage of the organization


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

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