Tbilisi. The Public Defender expresses her condolences over the suicide of an IDP living in the building of former sanatorium "Kartli" in the settlement of the Sea District in Tbilisi and offers her sympathy to the family members and relatives of the deceased.
“In recent years, the Public Defender examined the rights situation of IDPs living in the former sanatorium building Kartli and found that the Agency for Refugees, Eco-Migrants and Livelihoods unreasonably refused to check the technical sustainability of the building (to conduct the relevant inspection). As a result, on December 21, 2020, the Public Defender addressed the Agency with a recommendation and requested a technical sustainability inspection of the building. The expert opinion confirms the existence of an environment that poses an increased risk to life and health”.
Source: ombudsman.ge
Standards of Accountability & Transparency
Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)