The Judicial Reform Strategy and Action Plan Developed by the Ruling Party Do Not Address the Real Problems in the Judiciary

The Judicial Reform Strategy and Action Plan Developed by the Ruling Party Do Not Address the Real Problems in the Judiciary

Tbilisi. The Coalition for Independent and Transparent Judiciary reacts to the judicial reform strategy and action plan released by the Parliament at the end of last week within the framework of the Justice Reform Working Group. The Coalition states that the proposed document does not reflect the real challenges in the justice system. Unfortunately, once again, it proves that the ruling political team does not have the readiness for real reform and continues to aim for façade changes.

“We believe that the proposed reform strategy and action plan ignore the most pressing problems in the system. Another façade reform will not be enough to ensure the real independence of the justice system and thus will pose an even greater threat to the country's European integration process”.

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