Busted: 7 myths about mental health

Busted: 7 myths about mental health

Tbilisi. According to the UNICEF, dispelling myths about mental health can help break the stigma and create a culture that encourages people of any age to seek support when they need it. Here are seven common misconceptions about mental health.

  • If a person has a mental health condition, it means the person has low intelligence.
  • You only need to take care of your mental health if you have a mental health condition.
  • Poor mental health is not a big issue for teenagers. They just have mood swings caused by hormonal fluctuations and act out due to a desire for attention.
  • Nothing can be done to protect people from developing mental health conditions.
  • A mental health condition is a sign of weakness; if the person were stronger, they would not have this condition.
  • Adolescents who get good grades and have a lot of friends will not have mental health conditions because they have nothing to be depressed about.
  • Bad parenting causes mental conditions in adolescents.

All above-mentioned are myths, learn the facts…

Source: www.unicef.org


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