The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Reacts to the Case of Lazare Grigoriadis

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Reacts to the Case of Lazare Grigoriadis

Tbilisi. The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association, based on publicly available sources, reacts to the case of Lazare Grigoriadis and believes that there may be cases of violation of the rights of the accused, which is why it calls on the Special Investigation Service and the Public Defender to act in accordance with their mandate.

In particular,

1. The court did not publicly justify the imprisonment used as a preventive measure;

2. Statements made by high-ranking officials may adversely affect Lazare Grigoriadis' right to a fair trial. This, in some cases, at the same time, violates the presumption of innocence of Lazare Grigoriadis;

3. Possible violation of the privilege against self-incrimination;

4. Possible Violation of the Prohibition of Mistreatment.

GYLA calls for:

- the Government representatives - to refrain from discriminatory statements and not to go beyond the framework of the presumption of innocence in the case of Lazare Grigoriadis.

- the Special Penitentiary Service - to protect the prisoner's rights in full compliance with the national legislation and the state's international obligations.

- the Special Investigation Service - to start an investigation based on the information provided by the lawyer of Lazare Grigoriadis.

- the Public Defender of Georgia - as the person supervising the protection of human rights in the territory of Georgia, to act with the mechanisms stipulated by their mandate and, among them, to carry out frequent monitoring of the legal situation of the prisoner Lazare Grigoriadis.

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