Tbilisi.Transparency International Georgia requested information on statistics and legal responses to crimes committed against journalists in 2023.
According to the Special Investigation Service, from January 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023, 14 criminal cases were opened for illegal obstruction of a journalist's professional activities. Among the 14 cases, one was closed, four were forwarded to the court for hearings on the merits, and investigations are ongoing for the remaining nine cases. Moreover, in six criminal cases, the Prosecutor’s Office initiated criminal prosecution against nine individuals.
Transparency International Georgia considers that ensuring a fear-free and safe media environment, first and foremost, by the ruling party is of utmost importance. Journalists should be able to carry out their professional work without interference and properly inform the public. One of the key requirements for ensuring a safe media environment is the prompt investigation of crimes committed against journalists and putting an end to impunity.
Source: Transparency International Georgia
Standards of Accountability & Transparency
Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)