The Unresolved High-Level Corruption Problem in Georgia

 The Unresolved High-Level Corruption Problem in Georgia

Tbilisi.The Institute for the Development of Freedom of Information publishes the article "The unresolved problem of high-level corruption in Georgia".

"Under current circumstances, the State Security Service is responsible for investigating anti-corruption cases in a general manner. In order to address the existing challenges in the country in terms of corruption, especially high-level corruption, it is crucial for this function to be removed from the Security Service and for it to be transferred to the Anti-Corruption Bureau. Granting the Anti-Corruption Bureau investigative functions will by itself create the need for increasing its independence, accountability, and level of trust. Guaranteeing the above-mentioned is impossible without amplifying the role of the Parliament in both appointing and dismissing the head of the Bureau."


Source: Institute for Development of Freedom of Information


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