“We Choose to Live” – Event in Support of Persons with С Hepatitis

Adjara. "We Choose to Live” – this slogan has united local CSOs and ordinary citizens in the Batumi Boulevard on July 28. In solidarity to persons suffering from C Hepatitis, they have participated in model elections and voted symbolically for the life. With this method the event’s organizers try to attract the state’s attention and ask the authorities to fund the full course of treatment for persons suffering from C Hepatitis, because they believe that despite cheapening of the medicines, the majority of patients still cannot afford them. Until now only 500 citizens have used the benefit program designed for 10,000 beneficiaries. According to the official data, currently there are total of 200,000 affected citizens registered in the country.


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

 Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)