Statement regarding deaths of convicts D.A. and N.S. in Penitentiary Establishment N17

Tbilisi. Public Defender released a statement regarding deaths of convicts D.A. and N.S. in Penitentiary Establishment N17. "The Public Defender believes that death of three inmates in three days (On September 16 link) clearly indicates a problem existing in the penitentiary system with regards to protection of life, health and safety.   It is necessary to review work practice of workers of penitentiary establishments. Workers of the penitentiary department and medical personnel should pay better attention to requests and complaints of inmates, timely identify risk factors and take appropriate measures. It is necessary to strengthen coordinated work of security and regime workers, social workers, psychologists, and other medical staff of a penitentiary establishment to prevent facts of suicide".
For the full text 


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

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