ShidaKartli. The training in project planning was
delivered on October 27 in the society "Biliki” (path) for the civic education
teachers of the schools of the ShidaKartli Region, as part of the Civic
Education and Teachers’ Training Program. The training aimed to raise the
participants’ competence in project drafting.The
trainer of informal education youth center "Sunny House” Natia Giorgidze has
led the training. The teachers from 14 schools based in ShidaKartli, who
expressed the desire to acquire additional knowledge on project planning, have
participated in the training.During
the training the participants have examined: tasks of the training, project
management style, including brainstorming and group assignments, project
management cycle, project planning, case studies, project objectives and tasks,
and how are the projects implemented and evaluated. Finally, the project topics
of the small grants competition within the project framework were discussed.The
teachers have evaluated the project with a questionnaire. In their opinion, the
training was interesting and informative, as it is necessary to take into
account numerous issues when drafting the projects and then implementing them
in order to avoid the difficulties. The training will assist the teachers and
the civic club members in implementation of many interesting and useful
projects in the future.