United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) is announcing RFP for a local organization to conduct civil society actors capacity needs assessment
in the area of evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into
social and healthcare policies/UN Women IAGE Programme. You are
requested to submit the proposal as per the enclosed Terms of Reference
Subject: RFP for a local organization to conduct civil society actors
capacity needs assessment in the area of evidence-based advocacy and
gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies/UN Women IAGE
Your offer comprising of (1) technical proposal and (2) price
schedule/financial proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, marked with
"RFP: Civil society actors capacity needs assessment/UN Women IAGE"
should reach the UN Women Georgia office no later than May 21, 2013, 17.00 (Tbilisi time) at:
UN Women Georgia
UN House, 9 Eristavi Street, 0179, Tbilisi
Attention: UN Women Gender
Contact person for clarifications: Khatuna Kunchulia, Programme Manager - khatuna.kunchulia@unwomen.org
source: jobs.ge