The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program

The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (Fulbright TEA) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Fulbright program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by former United States Senator William Fulbright of Arkansas. Fulbright grants are awarded to students, scholars, teachers and other professionals from the United States and to foreign nationals to study, teach, or conduct research. Since its inception in 1946, more than 400,000 “Fulbrighters” have participated in the Fulbright program.

Teachers are nominated to participate in the Fulbright TEA Program based on their educational and professional experience, academic training, and leadership. Final selection of Fulbright TEA Program teachers is made by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB). The FFSB is an independent, presidentially appointed board that has oversight responsibility for all Fulbright academic exchange programs.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Current secondary-level (middle and high school), full-time teachers of English, English as a

Foreign Language (EFL), math, science, foreign language or social studies including special

education teachers in those subjects, at institutions serving primarily a local population

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • Minimum of three years of full-time teaching experience by the start of program, with a preference for those who have completed at least five years of full-time teaching
  • Demonstrated oral and written English language proficiency
  • Citizen and resident of an eligible country
  • Other requirements as indicated in the application
